
Our origins date back to May 1989, but we have held our own Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL 280928) since December 2004.

Our team of financial planners comprise the equity partners in our practice and have a combined wealth of experience of over 35 years. They are supported by client service managers who are: experienced; friendly; understand your situation; and rather than just take messages, are here to help you with general administrative and non-advice matters.

Our Financial Planners

Matthew Gadd

Matthew has been involved in the financial services industry since August 1984, having held positions with the Commonwealth Bank, BT Funds Management and Perpetual Trustees.

Matthew joined the financial advisory industry in May 1997 and held management roles responsible for research, paraplanning, and technical support at a dealer group level prior to moving into private practice.

He has been managing wealth creation, superannuation, retirement and wealth protection strategies for clients since May 1997.

Matthew is a graduate of the Securities Institute’s Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment. He also holds the Diploma of Financial Planning – awarded via the FPA and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and the Diploma of Finance & Mortgage Broking Management.

In February 2014, Matthew completed his Master of Commerce (Professional Accounting) through the University of New England.

Matthew continually develops his professionalism with memberships to relevant industry bodies. He is: a Senior Fellow of the Financial Services Institute of Australia; a Chartered Tax Adviser with the Taxation Institute of Australia; and a member of the Institute of Public Accountants.

ASIC Australian Financial Services Representative No. 255796

Michael Behlevanas

Michael has been a licenced financial planner for over 20 years and has extensive knowledge in all areas of financial planning from wealth creation for young people to helping retires accumulate and enjoy their savings.

Michael specialises in helping clients reach their retirement savings goals and in the transition to retirement from full time work.

Other areas of expertise is in risk advice (Life and TPD insurance, trauma and income protection), wealth creation strategies and budgeting.

Michael is an Associate member of the Financial Planning Association of Australia.

Michael is a graduate of the Diploma of Financial Planning, and holds a Bachelor of Applied Science – awarded by the University of Technology, Sydney.

ASIC Australian Financial Services Representative No. 255806

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women are merely players William Shakespeare
A fool and his money are soon parted. What I want to know is how they got together in the first place Cyril Fletcher
My main problem is reconciling my gross habits with my net income Errol Flynn
All I ask is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy Spike Milligan
A very rich person should leave his kids enough to do anything but not enough to do nothing Warren Buffet
Next to being shot at and missed, nothing is quite as satisfying as an income tax refund F.J. Raymond
Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others Groucho Marx

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